Simple Saltwater Fly-Fishing Tips for Beginners

Fishing is a very popular pastime in the U.S. with participants embarking on nearly 900 million fishing outings collectively. At present, approximately 4.4% of the American population engages in saltwater fishing, and saltwater fly-fishing, in particular, has enjoyed a surge in popularity. Although fly-fishing in a woodsy stream will always hold a certain appeal, there is believed to be something uniquely invigorating about staring down a tarpon or bonefish. As rewarding as a bout of fly-fishing may be, it requires a great deal of practice and some preparation. Thankfully, a few basic guidelines such as the following will make it significantly easier for novice fly-fishermen to excel at their new pastime.
Put Effort Into Your Fly Selection
If you want to catch an impressive variety of saltwater fish, you need to be in possession of a great selection of saltwater fishing flies. While there are many expert fly fishermen that are both eager and capable of tying their own flies, novices typically prefer to buy them pre-made. The 'perfect fly' does not exist and fish will bite on varying flies depending on a range of factors including the season, the weather on a particular day, your fishing location, and the species. For this reason, the pros recommend that you stock your box with a variety of flies including yarn crab, minnow flies, and shrimp flies to help prevent you from going home without a single catch.
Engage in Frequent 'Target Practice'
Accurately casting a fly rod is a rather complex athletic skill that requires a lot of practice. Although nothing can compete with casting on the water, not every eager fly-fisherman has the privilege of doing so on a regular basis for practice purposes. Luckily, it is possible to practice your casting in your yard, your driveway, or any piece of open field you have access to. You can practice casting into hula hoops or large buckets, making an effort to use different casting angles and techniques. While it might be considered ideal to be able to boast an 80-foot cast range, even 40 feet will suffice in most instances. At the end of the day, a swift draw and good accuracy are of greater importance than your range.
Don't Underestimate the Power of the Sun
Despite knowing the damage a day in the sun can do, many fishermen still do not take the necessary precautions to avoid sunburn. When out fly-fishing it is important to protect yourself against the onslaught from the sun to the best of your ability as sunburn is not only uncomfortable but can lead to skin cancer as well. Apart from using a waterproof sunscreen with an SPF of at least 35, lightweight protective shirts and pants, wide-brim hats, buffs, and sun gloves can all offer a decent amount of protection. Getting severely sunburnt and dehydrated will not only ruin your fishing expedition but can also result in heatstroke which can prove to be very dangerous if it remains untreated. Saltwater fly-fishing continues to rise in popularity in the U.S., both as a sport and as a relaxing pastime. By following a few simple guidelines even a novice can have a great time acquiring some great catches.