Red-Tailed Black Shark (Epalzeorhynchus bicolor)

Red-tailed black sharks (Epalzeorhynchus bicolor) look just as their name suggests - they have black "shark-like" bodies with bright red tails.
They aren't true sharks, but are called sharks because their bodies and triangular dorsal fin resembles those of sharks.
Red-tailed black sharks have sensory barbels around their mouth that help them to locate food.
They are freshwater fish from Thailand that belong to the family Cyprinidae (carp family).
Red-tailed black sharks can reach a maxium length of about 5 inches (12.7 cm), although they are usually a little smaller than this. You need to provide them with plenty of swimming room and hiding places in their tank. It is very good to make caves out of rockwork in your tank for your shark to hide in. You should also provide them with plants in their tank.
Also, red-tailed sharks can be somewhat aggressive. You shouldn't keep this fish with small, slow-moving, or timid species. Red-tailed sharks can also be aggressive with other members of their species. Often, is is best to keep them with fast moving fish like barbs, for example.
For best results, keep your red-tailed shark in medium-hard water, with a neutral pH (between 6.5-7.5), and at a temperature between 74-79 °F (23-26 °C).
Red-tailed black sharks are omnivores needing both meaty and plant-based foods.
These fish rarely breed in captivity. Females are reported to be slighly larger than males.
Red-tailed black sharks cost about $4 each.