How To Make Your Fish More Comfortable In Their Aquarium
Many people choose to have a pet fish instead of a cat or dog, assuming they will be easier to take care of, which they usually are. However, in addition to feeding it every day, there are several things you need to do to make sure your fish is happy and comfortable, which you can read more about in this article.

Add Aquarium Plants
Fish are either from salt or freshwater, although it is possible to recreate most natural environments they would usually experience in the wild. If you are looking to recreate a natural microenvironment in your fish tank, then understanding the benefits of aquarium plants is vital in ensuring your fish is healthy, and their water is oxygenated enough. Aquarium plants absorb waste and nitrogen from the water, acting as a natural filter. Furthermore, they can provide shelter and vegetation for certain species of fish.
There are several varieties of aquarium plants including Amazon Frogbit, Cabomba, dwarf water lettuce, hornwort, and red root floater with each displaying different characteristics such as providing lots of shade or being edible. The type of aquarium plants you decide to get depends on the species of fish you have, so you should try to find out what plants would usually be found in their natural habitat.
Try to Recreate a Natural Setting
In addition to adding aquarium plants, other ways to make your aquarium tank feel a bit more natural include:
- Adding pebbles or rocks
- Creating water movement
- Putting sand in saltwater aquariums
- Place some empty shells
- Put blocks around the tank to provide hiding places
The natural environment that you decide to mimic in your fish tanks should be determined by the species of fish, for example, if your fish is quite shy then make lots of hiding places in the tank to make it feel at ease.
Choose a Suitable Tank
To ensure your pet fish has plenty of space and enough oxygen can be held in the water, you should think carefully about the size of the tank that would best suit your fish. If you get larger fish or decide to get multiple fish, then naturally you will require a bigger tank.
The suggested formula for working out how many fish can fit in a tank is "one inch of fish per gallon of water," although you should also take into account the weight of the fish. Ideally, you should get a tank that can fit pebbles or gravel, rocks, and plants whilst still allowing for room for the fish to swim around.
Oftentimes a regular ten-gallon tank works for a small handful of fish, however, it is recommended to get the largest aquarium tank you can get within your budget that also fits your space.
There are many benefits to getting a tank with lots of space, firstly it will dilute toxins more effectively, so sudden changes in water chemistry are less likely to occur which could damage the health of your aquarium plants and fish.
Make Sure the Water Conditions Are Right
Most fish are very sensitive to changes in water conditions, so it is good to do some research about the pH levels and water temperature your fish would experience in their natural setting. The necessary pH level varies for different species of fish, a pH meter is one useful piece of kit that can help you measure and track the pH of the water in your tank, so you can follow recommended ways of altering the acidity or alkalinity levels.
Creating and maintaining the correct water temperature for your fish is vital to their health, as they are cold-blooded animals. You can use a water heater to set the right temperature for your kind of fish. Even though water heaters are very good at regulating temperature, it is still best to avoid placing your tank in direct sunlight or near an air conditioning vent as they can cause sudden temperature changes.
Keep It Clean
Effective and regular cleaning is vital to maintain a healthy environment in your aquarium tank and should be done at least once a month depending on how many fish you have. There are a few tools you can use, including a gravel vacuum to remove waste and algae, and an algae scraper to clean the sides of the tank.
Use a Filter
Naturally, your fish will produce lots of waste and if you don’t take steps to take care of it, your aquarium will soon become very dirty and unhealthy for your fish. Healthy water conditions are vital for the well-being of your fish and one simple way to maintain water cleanliness is by installing a filter that removes debris, excrement, and uneaten pieces of food.

An easy-to-look-after goldfish or an aquarium full of colorful fish can be an interesting addition to any room, however, you should try to follow the advice above to make sure your fish are comfortable and healthy.