The Different Types Of Fishing Technique You Can Try As An Angler

There are different types of fishing techniques that have been invented dating way back. Fishing has existed since humans existed. The various fishing methods will be determined by your reason for fishing, whether commercial, food, or recreational purposes.
With all the different methods for catching fish today, we will discuss a few strategies that anglers prefer to use. The fishing styles will vary according to the vehicle you are using, whether a boat, a kayak, etc. Additionally, the form of your gear from Melton Tackle such as rods, weights, reels, or floats, hooks lines, and lures.
Baitcasting/spin fishing
Spinning is a fishing technique that’s usually good for beginners. Spin fishing involves using a rod, a lure, and a reel, then casting out and reeling the line back. The reel's spinning back as you retrieve your line is where the name spinning originates from
Before you cast, ensure you open your bail on the reel, and your line will come out as your lure goes over the water. Flip your bail back when the lure lands, then start your retrieve.
On the other hand, Baitcasting differs from spin casting in that rather than a spinning wheel with bail; you will use a baitcasting reel with a trigger at the bottom of the reel that usually lets the line out. Then the line becomes parallel to the rod rather than perpendicular.
Spin fishing comes in numerous shapes and sizes, but typically a spin casting rods will be thinner and longer and is usually considered a lighter tackle. You use the tackle for smaller fish in estuaries, rivers, bays, and flats. If you wish to fish for larger targets, remember to increase the size of your tackle accordingly.
Most bait casting rods are used offshore to hunt for larger targets and are usually stouter with bigger reels and stronger lines. They are great if you are hunting for bass. There are also numerous bait casters, such as small ones, used the same way as spinning rods to fish but are not beginner-friendly.
Trolling is a technique where you use your boat and motion to travel on the water and go a longer distance than you would if you were using other fishing techniques. It’s usually commonly used for offshore fishing, where you have access to the entire ocean, lake, or sea to hunt for some fish. The main advantage of using this technique is that you don't have to get a specific spot to look for fish. You can set some lines and cover as much ground as possible with the hopes that you will catch something.
The best way to use trolling is to have as many lines as possible on the water. However, ensure you confirm the fishing regulations in the state you are in. Some states regulate the number of lines per boat or per person allowed in the water at a time.
The best way to attract larger fish is to ensure you have the right lures or bait; you are going at the right speed and depth. Trolling is best if you are going after bluewater pelagic fish such as wahoo, sailfish, and marlin. You can also use this method to fish for freshwater species such as walleye, Muskie, or striped bass.
Bottom fishing/bait fishing/jigging
Bottom fishing means dropping your bait with weight and letting it sink to the bottom. You can pull it up and down to create movement, or you can pull it up a foot or two and wait for fish to bite.
On the other hand, bait fishing means catching something smaller and putting it at the end of your line, and using it to catch bigger fish. It works exceptionally well because fish will be more attracted to live shrimp or crab than a piece of plastic. You can accomplish fishing with bait in different ways, and you can also use this technique on other water bodies.
However, if you are hunting for specific fish, ensure you choose the right bait. Remember to attach a bobber to your bait when fishing in bays, flats, or mashes. This will help you know when fish takes your bait.
If you use jigging, you can take any part of the water body you are on. When using jigging, your goal is to set your bait moving up and down rather than the horizontal way we saw with trolling. The speed of your vertical movement will vary depending on the type of fish you are hunting.
Fly fishing
Fly fishing is a unique fishing technique compared to the others already discussed. The differences in these techniques are not limited to the gear used but also the methodology, geographical location, attitude, and personality towards fishing in general.
Fly fishing is different because you use a longer rod made from bamboo or fiberglass with a simple reel that holds the heavy line that’s attached to a clear leader.
When fly fishing, you use flies rather than live bait or lure. The hooks are usually decorated with attractive artificial materials such as string, feathers, hair, and other materials to mimic the common prey of the fish you are targeting. The fly you use will imitate bugs that the fish prefer. You then cast your fly rod on the surface of the water and wait for the fish to bite, then you reel it in.
Fly fishing enthusiasts consider fly fishing as a higher art form of fishing that is more challenging than other fishing techniques. However, if you get the hang of it and learn the basics, you can also be good at fly fishing with no time.
We can’t specifically say which one among the ones mentioned is the best technique for fishing. However, each technique will depend on the type of gear you are familiar with, your vehicle, and the location you are fishing in. if you are a beginner at fishing, ensure you conduct thorough research and even ask expert anglers for advice.